The Rose DiGangi Foundation (“RDF”), a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, is dedicated to minimizing the financial burden of families affected by brain cancer. Our mission is to provide patients and their families with the flexibility to focus on crucial medical care as well as their overall wellness. RDF will provide funding for immediate and vital assistance, such as paying household expenses and ancillary medical costs. RDF may also partner with other organizations to help fund brain tumor research.
Board of Directors
Anthony DiGangi – President
Sal DiGangi – Vice-President
Amy DeHaen – Secretary
Samantha DiGangi
John DiGangi
If you would like to make a contribution to the Rose DiGangi Foundation you can do so online by clicking Donate, or by sending a check payable to:
Rose DiGangi Foundation
Checks should be sent to:
Rose DiGangi Foundation
P.O. Box 287404
New York, NY 10128
Questions? Contact Us